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We have spaces in our school nursery. Please call us on 01512886054 if you would like a place.
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6's Home Learning Page 


We hope you are all doing well and we hope to see you back at school very soon!


This is where you will find your weekly tasks,

as well as lots of useful websites and links to help you learn at home!


smiley Happy Learning! Miss Reed and Miss Carroll x

Please remember the quickest way to contact either Miss Reed or Miss Carroll is by using Classdojo.

14/10/20 **Message for Parents of Children in 6R ONLY**

Unfortunately, our class (6R) will need to self isolate until 23/10/20 due to coming into contact with a positive case in school. However, I want to ensure that the children can access learning at home that replicates what we would be doing in school (as closely as possible!) so each day the children will be set tasks on Google Classroom. The children have practised accessing this in school and should know their log in details (but I have these at home so please feel free to message me on Class Dojo if your child can't remember them. I can send them over to you).

On Google Classroom, the children should be able to see in the 'Classwork' tab a section with today's date. In that section, the children should be able to access work for Maths, Guided Reading, SPAG and Writing. When they complete a task it should give them the option to 'hand in' their piece of work. I should then get a notification on my computer and I can look at it and give the children feedback throughout the day.

Please refer to the Google Classroom guide for parents (linked on this page). I hope this is helpful. Again, please feel free to message me on Class Dojo if you have any questions about any of this. I can try my best to help and guide you through it. Miss Reed x


Home learning September 21st

Home Learning 28th September

Home Learning WB 5th October

Home Learning W/B 12th October
