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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
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Attendance at Springwell Park

At Springwell Park, we believe that regular and punctual school attendance is extremely important. Pupils need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by law. We believe that if a pupil is to benefit from education, regular, punctual attendance is crucial.


Attendance is a critical factor to a productive and successful school career; our school actively promotes and encourages 100% attendance for all of our pupils. We give high priority to communicating with parents and pupils the importance of regular and punctual attendance. We recognise that parents have a vital role to play and that there is a need to establish strong home-school links and communication systems that can be utilised whenever there is concern about attendance. If there are problems which affect a pupil's attendance we will investigate, identify and strive, in partnership with parents and pupils, to resolve those problems as quickly as possible.


We acknowledge that there are sometimes barriers to good attendance and we work closely with our families to support them in improving their child’s attendance.  We offer support such as Breakfast Club places, support from our school nurse for any medical issues, help with uniforms  and Early Help support for families. Our Pastoral Team have excellent relationships with our families and work hard to ensure that they are in school and ready to learn.


We assess the children's attendance based on the following criteria:



"In it to win it!"

Freddo Friday

In order to assist with raising the presence of attendance at Springwell Park, we run a 'Freddo Friday'. The class with the highest attendance percentage at the end of the week is the winner. At 2.30pm every Friday, there is a Freddo Friday announcement, where the winning class and their percentage are celebrated. Every child in that class then receives a Freddo chocolate bar and an attendance sticker. 


The class who then have the best attendance over the term will win a gift card, of which they can choose how it is spent. Previously, class teachers have used it on new books, pencils, and colouring books.


Prize Draw

During our celebration assembly at the end of the year, we enjoy doing a prize draw for everyone who has 97%+ attendance. The prize for this is a brand new tablet that the child can keep. In addition to this, we also reward the parents by doing a raffle specifically for them - the prize for the parent raffle is a gift card. 



At Springwell Park, we have a weekly newsletter that is sent to all parents and guardians via text message and Dojo. Within this newsletter, we include a breakdown of weekly attendance by class. This enables the parents to see what their child's class percentage is. We also include the whole school's average percentage, and whether or not we have met our target or 97%. 



Punctuality is just as important as attendance at Springwell Park. Similar to our approach to attendance, we also track punctuality and see if there are any patterns to child who are consistently late for school. We are then able to work with those parents to help reduce any barriers that could be stopping children arriving on time. 


Our classroom doors open at 8.30am for our children and close at 8.50am. During this time, children can arrive at anytime and, once inside, can enjoy an array of maths activities to start the day. The register is taken by the class teacher at 8.55am. Any child who arrives after 8.55am is classed as late. 

Our Graduated Response to Attendance

Please see below documents and information related to attendance and punctuality

If you are experiencing problems with your child's attendance or punctuality, please see one of our Attendance Team:


Natalie Sweeney - Attendance lead 


Mrs Sharon Murphy

Mrs Gail McCully

Mrs Karen Burke


School also work very closely with Clair Colton, Sefton Early Help Worker for School Attendance, who is available to discuss any issues with parents.
