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Strand Network



The STRAND partnership is a collaboration made of large number of schools the  the following schools from South Sefton. 


Primary School Rationale:


TSP was formed to enable its member nursery and primary schools in South Sefton to work collaboratively within a formal network in order to best share good practice, resources and expertise.


Purpose and Principles: The common purpose underlying the activities of TSP is to enable its schools to further progress through:

• Sharing good professional practice amongst all staff within its schools

• Providing opportunities for professional exchange and development including joint training with quality external providers

• Accessing external funding as and where possible and appropriate to help enhance the curriculum and raise attainment

• Ensuring best value for money through group commissioning of services

• Establish a STRAND CPD catalogue providing professional development for all school staff

• Providing support for subject leaders

• Developing joint school council projects
