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Online Safety

smileyOnline Safety smiley

Springwell Park


"Online safety refers to the act of keeping yourself and others safe while you use technology, whether that be a computer, mobile, tablet, gaming console or any other technology device."


Our children's wellbeing, happiness and safety is of utmost importance here at Springwell Park, and our pupils' safety while they are online is of no exception. We strive to deliver a curriculum and education that instils and equips our children for the ever-growing digital world that we live in. Our online safety curriculum is responsive to the needs of our children here at Springwell Park.

Our schools vision and purpose for online safety is to ensure the children in our school can live knowledgeably, responsibly and safely in a digital world. We encourage our children to embrace the possibilities that the digital world offers, but also give them strategies to deal with the challenges and risks they may face.


Online safety has a high profile in Springwell Park, with our team of dedicated staff delivering online safety sessions that are embedded into the PSHE and computing curriculum in order to keep our children alert and aware. Every new computing unit begins with an Internet Safety lesson, to ensure our Springwell stars have a refreshed understanding of how to act with respect and diligence. Aspects of online safety are taught through themed days, our computing curriculum and through implementation of our safe skills programme in year six.


In EYFS, we begin our online safety journey with discussions around sensible screen time and ensuring children are aware of what safe technology looks like.

Throughout KS1 and KS2, we focus on several aspects of online safety. These include but are not limited to self-image and identity, online relationships and reputation, online bullying, managing information online, health, what online risks are and how to identify and report them, wellbeing and lifestyle, privacy, security and ownership.


In order to ensure that we are offering the best online safety education to our pupils and parents, our pupils undergo an anonymous pupil online safety questionnaires and pupil interviews at various points throughout the academic year, the results of which are analysed and acted upon accordingly.

Our pupils are aware that their online activity in school, is monitored and always under the supervision of Springwell staff.

Online Safety Day February 2024

Online Safety Parents Workshop Teams 

Virtual parent/carer online safety information session will be held online on Wednesday 31st January 2024.

If you were able to attend the parents online safety teams session, we hope you found it useful.
For those who couldn't attend, they recorded the training for you! Please see link below. 


Our virtual Parent/Carer online safety information session will be held Wednesday (4th October 2023 – 4pm – 4.45pm).

Please find below the link to access the session.

Online Safety Parents Workshop 4.11.2022

It is more important than ever that our children are internet safe. The amount of times children are accessing on the internet has soared nationwide, with limited things to do outside. This brings with it increased risk. Please see the powerpoint below about keeping your child safe online.


Useful internet safety documents to enhance your child’s safety while at home

Digital Leaders: