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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect




At Springwell Park Primary, PSHE will support your child to develop their knowledge, skills and attributes needed to manage their lives for now and in the future. The PSHE curriculum will teach your child to stay healthy and to stay safe, and to support them and encourage them to meet their academic potential. 


Our comprehensive curriculum will: 


  • Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place. 
  • Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene. 
  • Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy. 
  • Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships. 
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies. 
  • Develop the skills and understanding for being able to articulate and deal with emotions. 
  • To develop decision making skills. 
  • To enable pupils to manage their physical and social environments. 



PSHE is taught in many different ways to ensure that the lessons are fun, engaging and meaningful. Our PSHE lessons can take the form of whole class teaching, group work, individual tasks, assemblies, outside visitors, cross curricular lessons and discrete lessons. 

PSHE focus weeks at Springwell park


To support the teaching of PSHE which is threaded through our everyday Springwell life, we also

have specific focus weeks or days where we focus purely on PSHE. Each focus week covers a different core theme. 


23/24 dates

9th October- Healthy Mind day


13th November - Caring Friendships Day


6th February - Online safety Day


26th February - Keeping Safe Day


22nd April - Healthy Relationships Day


3rd June - Healthy Body Day


22/23 dates 


W/C 3rd October - Healthy Mind week.  


14th November - Caring Friendships day. 


W/C 6th February - Online Safety week. 


27th March - Keeping Safe day. 


W/C 17th April - Healthy Relationships week. 


W/C 5th June- Healthy Body week. 





21/22 dates 


W/C 4th October - Healthy Mind week.  


15th November - Caring Friendships day. 


W/C 7th February - Online Safety week. 


28th March - Keeping Safe day. 


W/C 19th April - Healthy Relationships week. 


W/C 4th July - Healthy Body week. 



In addition to these dates there will be assemblies and workshops throughout the year for different year groups supporting a range of different PSHE & RSE topics. 



We are a Kind School!
