Parental Engagement at Springwell Park
At Springwell Park, parental engagement is extremely important to us. We pride ourselves on how hard we work to ensure that we have a close and positive relationship with our parents and carers. We truly are a community school, in every possible way. We strive to invite our children's adults into our school as much as possible, with the ultimate aim being to foster good relationships and ultimately improve our children's chances of academic and emotional success.
'Welcome to Nursery/Reception' meetings
For all of the parents who are new to our school in our EYFS intake, we host 'welcome to Springwell' meetings. This offers the parents the chances to meet their child's class teacher and the school's management team, as well as learning all about what makes Springwell special.
Meet the Teacher
In September, we always have 'meet the teacher' sessions. These are were our parents are invited in to school to meet their child's new teacher and find out about their child's upcoming year.
Greetings and goodbye
We greet our parents and children on the school gate every single day without fail. We also stand there at home time to wave them off. We believe this is so important in order to create positive relationships.
Stay and play sessions
Our EYFS parents are able to enjoy stay and play sessions throughout the year. These are sessions where the parents are able to come into their child's classroom
Come read with me
We have 'come and read with me' sessions throughout the year. This is where the parents are invited into their child's classroom and are able to see how reading is taught, but then also read with their child.
Our EYFS parents are invited into school to watch the nativity at Christmas.
Nursery singalong
Our nursery parents are invited into school to watch the children sing Christmas songs in December.
Class productions
Throughout the year, each class has a dedicated date for their class assembly. It is linked to their topic (History or Geography). The parents are invited in to watch their child perform.
Parents Evenings
Our parents are invited into school for two parents evening a year, where they speak 1:1 with their child's class teacher all about the progress that their child is making. In summer term, the parents receive an end of year report.
Showcase of work
Our parents are invited into our school to look through their child's workbooks at various points throughout the year. This is a lovely opportunity for children to showcase their hard work.
Community library
We have a community library in our playground. This is opportunity for our parents to help themselves to a book for them to enjoy and keep. Not only does this encourage good habits at home, but will also help our children with becoming budding readers.
EAL Termly Coffee Mornings
Our EAL parents are invited in termly for a coffee morning. This is a great networking opportunity where our parents are supported.
PC Gaz Online Safety Workshops
Our parents are invited in for online safety workshops to ensure that their child is as safe as possible whilst being on the internet.
Come Calculate with me
Parents are invited into school to participate in a maths lesson with their child.