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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect

Young Leaders

Character education is developed in a number of ways across our well deigned curriculum and it is in fact at the heart of our culture and ethos at Springwell Park Primary School.  

Pupils believe strongly that they have a voice, and their opinions will be listened to and responded to. They feel part of our school community and therefore want to make a positive contribution to the life of the school.  


We continue to develop pupils who are resilient, self-aware, have self-confidence and contribute positively to their community. We actively celebrate diversity, highlighting our wide community through assemblies, displays and specific focused activities.  We work with outside providers such as ‘Tackling the blues’ to build resilience, teamwork and character. This underpins the whole school approach to promoting resilience through praising efforts and aiming to challenge pupils of all ability levels.


Our school ethos, Life Learning lessons and opportunities in the wider curriculum all contribute to the development of pupils’ character in our school.  We promote a positive ‘can-do’ attitude where all talents and achievements are recognised and celebrated.  


Research suggests that there are enabling character traits which can improve educational attainment, engagement with school and attendance. A literature review for the Education Endowment Foundation and Cabinet Office found that:

  • High self-efficacy, or self-belief, is associated with better performance, more persistence and greater interest in work;
  • Highly motivated children (linked to tenacity) driven internally and not by extrinsic rewards show greater levels of persistence and achievement;
  • Good self-control (or self-regulation, the ability to delay gratification) is associated with greater attainment levels; and
  • Having good coping skills (part of being able to bounce back) is associated with greater well-being.


At Springwell Park  we have a number of opportunities for pupils to put themselves forward for a young leader role and have the opportunity to speak on behalf of their peers in decisions the school staff are making.


Our young leader opportunities are: School Council, Digital Leaders, Sports Leaders,  Singing Leaders, Wellbeing Champions, and Library monitors. 
