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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect

Year 2

Home learning 


Home learning tasks will be set on Google Classroom. Every child in Y2 will have their own Google Classroom log in. Each morning, they will receive notification of the work that is to be completed that day. 

The Google Classroom stream will be used for morning announcements and as a registration point for the children. A question will be posted on the stream for the children to answer as a way of registering. 


There will be a social meet at 9am every morning for Y2. The class teacher will post a link to the meet on their Google Classroom stream and / or dojo class story. 


With all assignments set for the children, they will have a power point and / or a pre recorded video of the class teacher explaining the task or talking through the power point. 


Story sessions will be pre recorded and uploaded onto the Google Classroom class page for the children to still enjoy listening to their reading for pleasure text. 


Class Dojo will be used to communicate to children and their parents and as a point of contact for getting into contact with class teachers. Children can upload anything additional they are doing at home on their dojo portfolio that they wish the teacher to see. 





Phonics / SPAG

Children who did not pass their phonics check will continue to have daily phonics lessons through Google Classroom or in school. 


Children who have moved on from phonics will receive daily SPAG lessons through Google Classroom or in school. 



Spellings Spring Term
