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smileyWelcome to Year 6smiley

We are very excited to have your child in Y6 with us this year. It is such an exciting year. On this webpage, you will find everything that you need to know about your child's time in Y6.

Meet the Year 6 team


 Miss Carroll

Miss Boughey

Mrs Michaels



Teaching Assistants

MRs O'Neil

Miss L Smith


One to one Teaching Assistants

Mrs Glancy

Mrs Morrison 

Keeping Connected

  • Please contact the school office with any queries
  • Any non-urgent queries may be directed to class dojo for the class teacher. But, these may not be read until the end of the day.
  • Twitter - Please follow us on our class twitter page. Tweet us using the twitter handle @SpringwellYear6. We will tweet photographs every week.

The Springwell Way


At Springwell we believe that all members of the Springwell family should follow a particular set of values. We believe that these key values embody 'The Springwell Way'. We have redesigned our values and introduced a symbol for each one. This gives pupils a visual representation of the values which they will see around our school. You can see the values and their symbol below: 






Click on the icons below for more information:


