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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect

Y4H Homework Timetable



Reading: Please try to read with your child every night and sign their reading record with date, book & page number.  Please ask them questions about the book to see that they have understood the text and are able to discuss what they have read.  This is crucial to your child's progress in English in year 4. 


Times Tables: We will be learning our 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 times tables in Year 4. These are ongoing and will be regularly tested.  We will keep you updated in your child's homework book as to which ones we are currently focusing on. Please practise these a lot!


Mental Maths: We will be sending mental maths facts out on a Friday, to be learnt for a test the following Friday.


Spellings: Every Tuesday new spelling lists will be sent home in your child's little beige book.  Please encourage them to practise these a few times through the week. They will be tested the following Tuesday, so this beige book needs to come in EVERY TUESDAY. 


Maths/Topic: Your child's homework book will be sent home every FRIDAY with either Maths Mastery or Topic related homework, which must be completed and returned the following Tuesday.  Maths Mastery tasks may appear tricky, but will help your child to develop a deeper understanding of the Maths being covered and encourage resilience in problem solving.


Thank you for your support.
