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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect

We are special!

Today we read the story ‘You are Special’ by Max

Lucado about a small wooden doll called Punchinello.  In the village where Punchinello lives the other wooden dolls give out bright star stickers for nice looking dolls and grey dot stickers for dolls with peeling paint.  Punchinello is sad because he is covered in grey dot stickers.  In the end Punchinello learns to not listen to what the other wooden dolls say.  He learns that the only people’s opinions that matter are those closest to him.  As he learns this the grey stickers begin to fall off.  This made us think about what makes us special!  

