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The Hawthornes Taster Day~ 9th June 2017

     On Friday 9th June 2017, both year five classes visited The Hawthornes Free School for a taster day.

     First, we went to the I.C.T. classroom where we had to design our own cool, modern houses on the computers using 3D shapes.

     After break (and a tasty snack) we walked to the sports hall to play dodgeball. It was great fun and the winning team each received a medal.

    Finally, we went back to the school to the R.M.D.T. classroom. We had to create a smiley face which was then cut on to a keyring using a laser cutter.

     We all had a great day and would like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to The Hawthornes for giving us the chance to experience a day at a high school.
