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The Hawthornes Science Fair~10th July 2017

     On Monday 10th July 2017, we visited The Hawthorne's School for a Science Fair and to experience a daily routine in a high school.

     First of all, we were given the opportunity to see and hold' Birds Of Prey' and learn all about their natural habitats. Next, we worked with Miss Campbell(one of the Science teachers) to construct a Bugbot using a circuit.

     Following break, we moved to another classroom to create a rocket to launch outside on the playground with the Starchaser Skybolt. After lunch, we got to hold various minibeasts including: a lizard, a snake, a tree frog, a millipede and a tarantula spider.

    Finally, we returned to the school hall to watch The Hawthorne's staff perform experiments including freezing a balloon and exploding icing sugar. Once again, a huge Springwell Park 'THANK YOU' from all the year five pupils and staff to The Hawthorne's School for another amazing day.
