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Spoken language

Spoken Language 


At Springwell Park, we value spoken language and strive to ensure our children develop excellent communication skills. Our aim is for our children to become confident communicators and for the children to be able to communicate effectively, not just verbally, but also in written form. At Springwell Park, we achieve this through a well-planned curriculum that includes:


  • Listening skills
  • Discussion 
  • Asking and answering questions 
  • The use of appropriate vocabulary and language 
  • To use newly taught vocabulary 
  • To use appropriate gestures and body language 
  • Cross curricular opportunities.


Vocabulary development is extremely important to us at Springwell Park. Our staff, including TAs, have had training on how our classrooms can be language rich and how we can develop that language rich classroom into a developed spoken language skillset. Not only does vocabulary feature within our whole class reading sessions as well as right throughout our writing journey, but we also constantly refer to the three tiered approach to vocabulary. Tier 3 words feature on all of our knowledge organisers. 


Spoken language also features within our writing curriculum, including oral recall of sentences and verbal story maps (for example, a talk for writing approach). Our children are able to engage in spoken language techniques within the immersion part of our writing process, for example, during hot seating, drama, and debating. 


At Springwell Park, we are also proud of our poetry curriculum. Our poetry spine has been created with progression in mind. Its purpose is to ensure that our children are able to encounter excellent literature (in addition to our reading and writing curriculum). We use the poetry spine throughout the curriculum, including during our standalone session on Friday's whole class reading lesson. 


Our aim is for our children to learn these poems off by heart and be extremely confident with their verbal recall. 
