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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect

R.N.L.I./Lifeguard Visit~ 19th June 2017

     On Monday 19th June 2017, two lifeguards came to school to talk to us about their role and the role of the R.N.L.I.(Royal National Lifeboat Institution), how they help to save peoples lives and that there are lifeboats/lifeguards based at many beaches across the country.

     They showed us various flags and explained to us the meanings of each flag:yellow/red flag(safe to swim), black/white flag(can surf) and red flag(danger-no swimming on this beach). They explained that our local beach at Crosby always has red flags flying because of sinking sand and the Anthony Gormley iron men statues. 

     The lifeguards explained that their uniform is the same colours as the yellow/red flag, so we know who to contact for help. Lifeguards always carry a float and a radio to help with the assistance of any rescue.

     We then went outside to take a look around a lifeguard's vehicle and all the equipment it contains. (first aid kit, defibrilators and oxygen).
