In Springwell Park reading is at the heart of our children's learning journey. In Nursery we focus on creating and developing a language rich environment, where we put high quality stories, nursery rhymes and fairy tales at the heart of everything we do. Our focus is very much on increasing our children's vocabulary and love of literature.
Our approach to the teaching of comprehension truly does start in Early Years.
From the 2Y room, storytelling and book-talk plays a huge part in our daily sessions and the
practitioners work hard to increase our children's understanding and comprehension of what has
been read. The high-quality stories that the children focus on are taken from our Long-Term Plan -
we have ensured the choices are of high quality and contain superb language. Practitioners work
hard with carefully thought-out activities, such as engaging in 'You Choose' texts, where the
children would develop their skimming and scanning technique as well as comprehension - this occurs through carefully phrased questioning to push the children's learning and understanding on.
Another example of the high-quality comprehension provision would be through our selection of
comprehension related books, such as 'Who What Where'. This enables the children to verbalise their
answers based on their comprehension and understanding of the text. An example of this is below -
'who got stuck in the tree trunk?' Our highly trained practitioners are then able to extend the children's answers with follow on questions, such as 'how do you know / what makes you
think that?'