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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect


Reading truly is the key to success. Being a confident and fluent reader can open many doors for a person, both within education and wider life. With this in mind, Springwell Park is a reading school. High quality texts are at the heart of our curriculum. We work hard to create an enthusiasm for reading and make the children excited about picking up books.

We truly cannot stress enough how important it is for your child to be reading daily at home.


Home reading 

Ideally, your child should be reading their home reading book every single night. It would be great if this formed part of your daily routine. Your home reading session with your child should include asking questions about the text to ensure your child understands what they have read. The parent/carer should sign the home reading record so that we can keep a tally of who is reading and celebrate success stories. Please click this hyperlink to watch a fantastic video about home reading > Reading with your child

Please also refer to the '7 top tip' document below to enhance your reading experience. 


Branching out

Reading for pleasure is prioritised greatly at our school. We always have a reading for pleasure text on the go! The children really enjoy getting lost in this story. Every time there is a new text, we will send out our 'branch out' document. These are texts that your child will most likely enjoy, based on how much they are enjoying our text. They could be purchased from book stores, Amazon, or loaned for free from the library. 





