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Read with us at home!

Question ideas to support home reading


Talking about what you’ve just read together helps children think about what they’ve read, boosts their imagination and helps them grow in confidence. It’s also a good way to pick up on new words and check that they understand what they’ve read.


When reading at home with your child, why not try:


• Getting your child to think of questions they can ask you to test if you’ve been listening! This is a great way to check their understanding.


• Asking how they think a particular character in a story might be feeling (you can look at the faces in pictures to help them get started).


• Asking them to tell you what they would do if they were in the story.


  • Predicting what they think is going to happen next.


  • Clarifying meanings of words that they may be unsure of, this could alter their understanding of a text. Use a dictionary or the internet to find and discuss the word in other contexts.
  • Comparing the text to story with a similar plot or themes, e.g. good over evil / weak over strong / wise over foolish.


  • Asking why has the author chosen those (particular) words?