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P.E. Quad Kids~19th May 2017

     On Friday 19th May 2017, ten pupils from year five and year six went to Litherland Sports Park to participate in various athletic activities along with other primary schools.

     First, we all ran a 600m race, with one of our year five girls coming first. Next, we took part in the long jump and our scores were added together to give us an overall place. Then, we all ran a 75m sprint versing our own school members. Finally, we took part throwing the vortex as far as we could.

     At the end, all our results were counted and added together towards our final result. Our fantastic team from Springwell Park came first and all received a gold medal.

     We are all very proud of ourselves and our achievement, which links to our Code Of Conduct to always try our best at everything we do. 
