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Letter about our gangs project after half term - please read

27th May 2016


Dear Parent/Carer,


During the week commencing 6th June the children in Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in a five session workshop on the dangers of gangs.


‘TheGetAwayNGetSafe’ (GANGS) programme is an intensive educational programme that aims to educate young people on the dangers of the gang lifestyle for the individual, family and the wider community.


It is anticipated that this programme will empower young people to make informed decisions about their current or future associates, thus reducing the potential risk of harm to the individual and the community from gang related behaviour.


The programme is inclusive of all learning styles and uses presentations, photographs, role play, music and videos to engage the participants whilst continually sending out the simple message ’GetAwayNGetSafe’. 


We were very fortunate to secure this course for our school as it is very popular and it was only offered to a limited number of schools. It has already been run very successfully in other schools.


We feel that it is crucial that we educate our pupils on the dangers of gangs. If you would prefer your child not to participate in these workshops please speak to a member of staff on Monday 6th June.


Yours sincerely,


Miss T. Webley


