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Important Y4 Information

Important Y4 Information



In Y4, our PE day is every Wednesday. On Wednesdays, please bring your child to school wearing their Springwell Park PE kit. They will wear their kit all day on Wednesday. Please note that football kits can not be worn in place of PE kits.



It is very important that your child brings their book-bag in daily. This is so that we can try to read with your child daily, as well as changing their home reading book regularly. They also come in handy at home time when your child has letters to take home!


Water bottles

It is important that your child brings a water bottle in daily. This is to keep your child hydrated throughout the day. In order to be as hygienic as possible, your child will be taking the bottle home at the end of the day to wash.


Meet the Teacher 

There will be a 'meet the teacher' pre-recorded Zoom uploaded by the 14th September. It will be uploaded on Dojo and also on here so that you can come back to watch it as you please. We do encourage you to ask any questions that may arise while you watch it.


