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Faster & Faster & Faster Performance~21st March 2017

                   On Tuesday 21st March 2017, our class (along with Bedford Primary, St. Elizabeth Primary and Thomas Gray Primary) took part in the 'Faster & Faster & Faster' Performance at

St. James Church in Bootle.

        We spent the morning rehearsing all the songs with the other schools and our individual song. After lunch, we rehearsed through the whole show which allowed those pupils who had speaking parts to perform their lines.

       We hoped you all thoroughly enjoyed watching the performance as much as we did. Your support was greatly appreciated.

     A huge 'WELL DONE' to all the children in year 5H who took part. You were all amazing and your behaviour the whole day was impeccable. It was even noticed by the staff from Bedford Primary who commented on how well behaved, well mannered, respectful and how expressive those who had a speaking part were.

     You are all a credit to our school!!
