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Early Help Support

Early Help


Early Help is support offered to a family at a time of need identified by them or by professionals (school, health, social care etc.).  It is voluntary and involves a team of professionals coming together on a regular basis to consider or review the needs identified and offer/provide support. Parents take the lead and the aims are to improve the life chances and experiences for the children (and in turn the family).


Should you feel like you require any support at any time regarding any issues: money management, housing, managing child behaviour, coping with loss or bereavement, substance misuse, domestic abuse etc. please speak to a member of the Pastoral Team and we will do whatever we can to help.


Your main points of contact would be Mrs Coyle, Sharon or Gail.  We are always on the gate at the  beginning and the end of the school day.  We operate an Open Door policy and you can call in and see us in school, phone or contact Mrs Coyle on Class Dojo if you need any help or support.





