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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect

All Lit up!

All Lit up!


We are so excited to be learning about 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' as our final topic of Year 1. We told Miss Gillespie all of the things we knew about Lighthouses:

"They help the boats from crashing into the land" (Leon Year 1)
"The lighthouses have a spiral staircase in them" (Terri-Lei Year 1)
"The lighthouse flashes a light far out into sea" (Jack M Year 1)




 Mr Grinling, the lighthouse keeper sent us a letter telling us that he needed our help - the light in the lighthouse was not working.

We discussed components in a circuit and we also drew an electrical circuit.

We are going to make our own lighthouses next week and attach an electrical circuit to them so the lights can shine brightly! Look out for the photographs! 

