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Today in our class something very special happened. We were sent a box in the post that was addressed to our class. We all sat down and tried to guess what might be inside, we noticed it had lots of holes on the top of the box ...... we all sat very quietly while Miss Patterson opened the box. We couldnt believe it when she told us that there was an Emperor Penguin inside with a letter. The letter was from Big Boss Emperor Penguin and he had sent us a penguin all the way from the South Pole. We were all so excited to meet the penguin which we named 'Pipin'. Big Boss Emperor Penguin told us in his letter that he would be sending us a penguin everyday to help us learn about their life in the Antartic. We decided that Pipin would need somewhere cold so we put him in the fridge! We are so excited to come into school each day and wait for another penguin to arrive ........
