Welcome to 6MH!
'Our mission is to provide a happy nurturing environment
which develops the necessary life skills for all our children to enjoy learning
irrespective of race, colour, creed or impairment.’
Our Code of Conduct
Treat each other with respect and value our differences
Listen to each other
Make time to talk through our problems
Always try our best at everything we do
Care for our environment and everything in it
Class Information
Homework in Year 6
Spellings: Tuesday - Tuesday
Maths Facts: Friday - Friday
Activities: Fornightly
Reading: Daily
PE Days
Currently, our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. This may change each half term - we will update you if so.
Times tables
Children should know all of their tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. If your child is still unsure, they can practice them using TT Rockstars.