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Hello 6H smiley

Welcome to our home learning page. I hope you're all well and looking after each other. This page will have all of the information you need to complete your daily tasks, as well as little extras to keep you busy if you wish to do them. So make sure you keep checking daily for any updates.


Summer Term - Daily Tasks
Daily Tasks Week 12
Daily Tasks Week 11
Daily Tasks - Week 10
Daily Tasks - Week 9
Daily Tasks - Week 8
Daily Tasks - Week 7
Daily Tasks - Week 6
Daily Tasks - Week 5
Daily Tasks - Week 4
Daily Tasks - Week 3
Daily Tasks - Week 2
Daily Tasks - Week 1

Daily arithmetic questions (answers at the bottom)

Optional extra maths for Miss Lowrey's maths group

Miss Lowrey's Spelling Group

Free websites to keep you fit and active while at home.

Ways to read and listen to stories from home
