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Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect


‘Our mission is to provide a happy nurturing environment
which develops the necessary life skills for all our children to enjoy learning irrespective of race, colour, creed or impairment.’



Our Code of Conduct 


  • Treat each other with respect and value our differences
  • Listen to each other
  • Make time to talk through our problems
  • Always try our best at everything we do
  • Care for our environment and everything in it 
Class picture
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Year 5 Information

Guided Reading PPT


Spellings           : Tuesday - Tuesday

Maths Facts       : Friday - Friday

Reading             : Daily 

Topic                  : 3 pieces per half term (You can choose from the various cross-curricular activities) 


Please see your teacher if you would like any additional homework

Reading Websites
SPAG Websites
Maths Websites

Do you know ALL of your times tables? 


It is an expectation in Year 5 that you should know all of your times tables and their corresponding division facts!

Other useful websites 
Backing tracks for Brass 

11 Razzle Dazzle.wma

08 Fanfare for fun.wma

10 Twenty Four Seven.wma

07 Movie Buster.wma

Sheet Music for Brass
Music Theory Sheets