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            Welcome to 4R!

Springwell Park Code of Conduct

  • Listen to each other.
  • Care for our environment and everything in it.
  • Treat each other with respect and value our differences.
  • Make time to talk through our problems.
  • Always try our best at everything.

Our School Council Representatives

Our Digital Leader

Home School Agreement

PE Lessons


4R will participate in Swimming lessons at Bootle Leisure Centre on Monday afternoons from September to Christmas holidays. Please ensure your children have suitable trunks/costume, a swimming cap and towel. Goggles are optional and ear rings can not be worn.


On Thursdays the children will take part in an additional PE lesson with our sports coach Mr B smiley


Please note, the day that the children take part in PE can be subject to change so they will need their full PE kits in school at all times. 

Times Tables


By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to know all times tables, as well as the corresponding division facts, up to 12 x 12. The children will sit a statutory test on times tables in June 2020. They will have to answer a mixture of times table questions with just 6 seconds to answer so rapid recall is essential. Please see the documents below to help with supporting your child at home with their times tables.



The children must read at least 3 times per week at home with an adult. Please sign the children's reading records when they have read with you and include a comment about any issues/tricky words they faced whilst reading aloud to you. If a child has read at least 3 times at home each week they will recieve a sticker on their Starbooks loyalty cards (inside reading record) which will count towards a reward at the end of each half term.


The children will have a Spelling test every Tuesday and a Maths Facts test every Friday. Please see lists below for this half term. 


The children also have Pick and Mix homework each half term to complete. They can choose which tasks they would like to do relating to their class topic. Please aim to complete at least 2 of these tasks per half term. Please see below for this half term.


Thank you for your continued support smiley

E Safety