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Come to Springwell Park's Festival of Wellbeing on Thursday 10th October at 9am in the school hall
Achieve Aspire Community Discover Dream Grow Nurture Respect


Welcome To 1S

This term in P.E. we are being taught dance by Paul from Merseyside Dance Institute. Today was our first session and we focused on movements based on the seaside to tie in with our topic.
Today in class we created maths museums using different resources to represent different numbers.

We had the most amazing Easter Bonnets in Y1S and it was clear to see that there had been a lot of hard work and effort gone into making them.  We all attended the parade in the school hall and the judges had the hard task of choosing an overall winner.  We were delighted when the winner was announced, a pupil from our class. Well Done to everybody for taking part. You were all winners!


Today we carried out another science investigation using the sweets 'skittles'.

The experiment looked at colour diffusion. we were amazed at how all the colours merged together once we put on water.  'See the rainbow'!

Today we carried out a science investigation using paper helicopters. We found out that the helicopters spin because air is pushing upwards. We also concluded that a smaller helicopter spun faster than a bigger helicopter.

Our science week got off to a bang with an assembly by 'Cosmic Caz' from Mad Science.

The theme was sound and how it was created. We all enjoyed the experiments. 

Today we went to Chester Zoo, we all  had a great time and enjoyed meeting the animals; Elephants; Giraffes; Monkey's and many more.  
Today we had a special visitor in school, a storyteller who told us the story of 'The three little pigs' with a slight twist in the tale. We all had good fun! 

We arrived in school this morning to discover a crime scene.  It appears that the 'Big Bad Wolf' had broken into the house of straw, tossing tables; chairs; breakfast .  Luckily the little pig managed to escape.  The children will now have to do some investigating to establish what has happened in preparation for some writing.

Today we celebrated World Book Day and came to school dressed as our favourite book character.
Mr Wolf Strikes again and has blown down the 'little pigs' houses that once stood on our school playground.
On our return to school today we found two houses on the school playground. The teacher's received an email with a voice note attached from 'The Three Little Pigs'. It explained that the smallest brother had gone missing after a wolf had blown his straw house away. we have been helping the other two brothers with their search.
We have been discussing how we can keep ourselves safe when using the internet and playing games online, We received a visit from our e-cadets who spoke to us about the some of the dangers and the right thing to do and we also watched a short video.  Keep Safe!

This week in school we are celebrating some of the children's achievement's in maths.


Some of the children in Y1S received their 'Red Badge' for completing 'Miss Webley's Times Table Challenge


Well Done!



As part of the Chinese New Year celebrations, during our music lesson with Mrs Peyet we celebrated by doing a dragon dance with scarfs. We all enjoyed this activity.

Our topic this term is 'Transport' and the children have demonstrated this in their understanding of this in their assembly. There was even some audience participation with a game of 'Who Want's to be a Millionaire' and the children's singing was amazing too. 


Stop! Look! Listen!

In year 1 we have been focusing on road safety. We went out in small groups and crossed the road safely with an adult, discussing the dangers and potential hazards.  In class we have made road safety posters and enjoyed learning about how to keep ourselves safe when crossing the road.

Today Angela from the Dog's Trust visited us and taught us how to look after a dog.  Some of the children enjoyed participating and got involved in some of the tasks and daily routine involved in taking care of a dog.  Angela left us a little present, which was a book called the 'Perfect Pet' which we plan to use in English.


We all had a great time! We enjoyed the party food and lots of dancing.

Thankyou to our cook Barbara and her team in the kitchen for a delicious Christmas dinner which was enjoyed by us all.

Today some of our children went on a trip to acknowledge their outstanding behaviour.  They were rewarded with a trip to the Plaza Cinema to watch the new Disney movie 'Moana' and the children enjoyed sweets; a drink and ice cream. Well done!
Today we enjoyed a visit to Santa's Grotto. We got to meet Santa and received a present. Ho Ho Ho!
Thank you to the P.T.A. for organising our Christmas disco.  A great time was had by all and we have some amazing dancer's in Yr 1. 
Today we began the festive season by decorating our classroom and the Christmas tree.  The children each brought in a decoration to personalise it and enjoyed placing them on the tree which now takes pride of place in our classroom.
Today we traveled into Liverpool to visit the World Museum and took a trip on a tour bus sightseeing.  We were able to see all the magnificent buildings we have in our great city. A great day was had by all.
This week in class we have been discussing how we can be 'a good friend' and enjoyed related activities.
Today we had a special treat in school and all went into the hall to watch a pantomime.
We enjoyed a special visit from a mad maths professor and enjoyed some maths challenges in class.
We enjoyed using a real polling station to vote for our class representatives for school council.
This week we are celebrating 100% attendance again. Let's see if we can keep this up!

This week in class we got 100% attendance. We are all celebrating our amazing achievement and enjoying our reward... yummy choc ices! Thankyou

Homework in Year 1


Each week your child will receive the following homework : 


  • Spellings : These are sent home on a Friday for a test the following Friday.  Your child will receive a sound from their phonics phase. They should list as many words that contain that sound and create a sentence using them. an example will be provided by the teacher of that Phase.
  • Maths Facts : These are sent home on a Friday for a test the following Friday. Maths facts comprise of a lot of the non negotiable objectives from the Year One curriculum.
  • Green homework book : This book is sent home each Friday and collected on a Tuesday. This book will comprise of either a maths mastery task based on what your child has covered in Maths lessons that week or a topic based piece that links in with current learning. 
  • Home reading: We urge you to set time aside to read with your child at home as much as possible, asking questions about the text to deepen understanding. 