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18.12.15 Read all about it!


G - M Proctor News 


Saturday 21st January 2006 


Young Boy Spots Whale In River Thames


On a wonderful sunny Friday morning around 7.00am with various birds tweeting happily, a mysterious but wonderful whale was spotted by a young boy named Michael. Read on to find out what happened!

       It all unexpectedly happened when a scared and frightened grey Northern bottle-nosed whale was spotted by this young boy Michael. Upon hearing the exciting news, lots of curious and busy Londoners came rushing down the cobbled-streets of London to gaze upon the magnificent whale. At last, all of the shocked people were up on London Bridge taking thousands of pictures and videos of what was happening.

       When the camera crews raced there it wasn't what they expected - it was more than they expected. Michael was shocked when he saw the panicking and fearful grey Northern bottle-nosed whale.

       I shockingly rushed down the cobbled streets to the green, wavy watered River Thames to see what sort of exciting event was unfolding. "Hello my name is Michael, I'm 8 years of age and I saw it all - it's true, it really is!" a voice reassured me. Just as he went, another person came running curiously towards me screaming down my ear saying "We tried to save that poor animal, but after all of our hard work when he reached the North Sea unfortunately he died!".

       At the end of this shockingly and fearful news, the  sympathetic people were still on Tower Bridge crying their eyes out because without a sound, the grey Northern bottle-nosed whale died.  






