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11.9.15 Our Green Ships

We have described our Green Ships 


Katy: I am going to tell you about my strange, wonderful, green ship because it is good. First, the round, curved stern has unbreakable wooden planks. Next, the pointy, sharp bow stops water coming on board the ship. Also, the smoky, steamy funnels keep the boat clean. Then, the thin, long masts have strong wooden support. Finally, the wooden, brown wheelhouse has a big wheel that the captain uses to steer the boat out to sea.


Evie: I am going to tell you about my beautiful, fantastic green ship because it will blow your mind and will blow you off your chair. First, the big, large stern with wooden strong planks is where the funny laughing captain stays.


Brogan: I am going to tell you all about my strong, imaginary green ship because it is amazing. First, the birchwood coloured, solid stern has explosives all around it. 
